Appointments with David Ip

For help, call 306-790-9378. Phones & Tablets may show only half of each day. To see all openings on a phone/tablet, click "Show Desktop" at bottom of screen.

  1. If you are registered, click 'Sign In' (desktop/laptop top right; mobile/tablet bottom). If you are not registered, you will be asked to at Step 6.
  2. New patients may register here but assessment must be scheduled by or 306-790-9378.
  3. Choose "Day", "Week", or "Month". 
  4. Please book by option 1 or 2 (which allow overlapping appointments).
  5. Only one column is visible at a time on smartphone screens.
  6. Click an empty time slot. White: available. Light or dark blue: already booked. Pink: not available. Yellow: less than 2 hours to appointment - please phone. Time slots overlap.
  7. Enter phone number(s).
  8. Select service. 
  9. To see all your upcoming appointments, click "Agenda" below.
To add appointments to the schedule please sign in.

Key to the symbols used

  • Appointments